See user behaviors crystal clear, and get insights you can actually use.
With easy-to-understand visualizations, like tracking visitor actions such as clicks and scrolls, you'll effortlessly grasp visitor insights and spot chances for enhancement.
See What Users Love with Colorful Visuals
Find Where People Drop Off and Why
Discover What's Driving Conversions
See user actions across your site, from overall trends to individual pages, focusing on influx, content, and visitor behavior. Easily spot challenges and opportunities:
Uncover fruitful and less fruitful traffic sources
Locate abandonment hotspots
Understand which visitor groups drive conversions
Keep experimenting for big wins.
Run thorough tests on your terms
Quick and impactful setup and results
Get the scoop on what works, pronto
Create engaging pop-ups without hassle.
Place widgets where you want
Adjust timing and audience
See how they perform, make things better
Loads of ready-made templates in the library
Custom experiences for each person, exactly when they need it.
Sort Users into Groups
Personalize offers and products
Create the Perfect Experience
Stop wasting your traffic
Get started with Ptengine today